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Sinerji Tarım Ürünleri , was founded in 1994. Since then it always maintained the understanding of aiming the better and the way forward in its activities. It developed true, effective and natural products by closely following the scientific and technological developments and innovations. It maintains its operation at its new production facilities since 2004.

We develop our international collaborations through realising the investments and production in our country. We produce effective, strong and true products at international quality standards in our country. Products that we produce are friendly for humans, animals and the environment.
Vitamin Premixes   Antioxidants
Mineral Premixes   Pellet Binders and Enhancers
Organic Acids   Natural Products, Growth Promoters
Toxin Binders   Farm Products
Enzymes   Testing Systems

After you examine in detail our products you may place your orders on-line by filling in the Order Form in our website.

You shall be contacted at the soonest time regarding your order.

2008 | Sinerji Tarim Urunleri Sanayi Ticaret Ltd. Sti. All rights reserved. Web Tasarım ALGORİTMA